Sunday, January 8, 2012

What time of the year to amaryllis bulbs produce bulb shoots?

Phil, e-mail me...I have more info for you about propagating cacti...I left out something important. Oh, here, I'll give it too you now. Regarding the cut cacti, let it set for a week or two so it has a chance to callous over before you try to root it in a good cactus soil. Also, here is a website that can help you with other propagating needs.

Oh, BTW, thanks for all the points :) It was a pleasure helping you.

What time of the year to amaryllis bulbs produce bulb shoots?
Am I missing something here? Amaryllis (the originals native to the Andes mountains of South America) are not cacti. They grow from a bulb. Your question has nothing to do with cacti. Report It
Reply:Phil, I've seen them do it pretty much all months of the year, inside. Outside I've actually seen them do it all spring and summer (but not all at once).

Some (inside ones) set flower stems shortly after a dark/dry treatment of a few months has ended. And I've seen at least one (inside one) set a flower stem without any dark/dry treatment.

Many times I've discovered one in dark/dry treatment that has begun producing a flower stem before I've even brought it back into the light and watered it.

Try this site out!

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