Thursday, January 12, 2012

How many leaves do an amaryllis need to have to be able to flower next year?

No so much as to the new leaves, what is or was important is to the leaves this year. Most bulbs need the leaves to stay on the plant and still grow long after flowering. This is the plants way of producing the energy in the leaves to be sent back to the bulb for next year. The small little bulb on the old flower or ovule should be removed as this is using energy in the leaves to produce some seed for next year. I wouldn't bother trying and let the bulb mature each year. Cut it off and let the bulb use it. If you cut the leaves and old flower stem together you lessen the chance of having a mature healthy bulb next year. I usually keep them for a few years and had some bigger that grapefruits. Some bulbs will flower with no leaves some with a few. Leaves aren't really needed to flower only replenish it after flowering

How many leaves do an amaryllis need to have to be able to flower next year?
How to Grow Amaryllis: Dutch Gardens

The Basics: Amaryllis

This should answer all of your questions #1

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Reply:It's not about leaves, it's about bulb size. The bigger the bulb, the better it will flower.
Reply:For an amaryllis queen, you sure don't know much about them.

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