Thursday, January 12, 2012

What time of year do I need to set Amaryllis bulbs for a Christmas display?

Joannes's right, now is a little late, I put mine in a week ago. To speed them up a little set them someplace warm, but don't let them dry out. I have a dozen bulbs I force over the winter. I generally do reds for Christmas and stagger the other colors over the course of the winter. Things get a little bleak in the Dakotas in January and the colors are a pick me up. RScott

What time of year do I need to set Amaryllis bulbs for a Christmas display?
I have read that is possbile to force it to bloom by crowding the bulb in a pot just barely big enough for the bulb.. the bulb supposedly will feel cramped and thus decide to grow... keep in a very, very bright place... good luck.
Reply:Excerpted from Master Gardener Website:

Amaryllis typically take 6 to 8 weeks from the time you plant them until they are in full bloom. The flowers last about 2 weeks. Therefore, you should plant your bulbs in early November for Christmas bloom. No later than the 15th.

Amaryllis grow from huge bulbs, nearly as big as a grapefruit. They grow best in tight quarters. The pot should be only one to two inches wider than the bulb and should have a drainage hole in the bottom. Fill the pot about half full; put the bulb in and fill with additional soil. Pack the soil firmly, as Amaryllis can be top heavy. The top one-third of the bulb should be exposed. Water the bulb well after planting, but do not allow the soil to remain soggy. Place the pot in a bright window and water only when the soil feels dry.
Reply:You need to start them now. It's a bit late, but I think you'll make it.

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