Sunday, January 8, 2012

The amaryllis has bloomed. How do you take care of it now, and will it bloom in subsequent years?!?

Cut it down to about 2'' after it has died back. I then re pot mine in a suitable pot 6'' to 8'' in a good bulbous compost. Keep dry all winter. In spring scrape top off compost, and if growth is discerned feed with weak soluble fertiliser. Never over water. Your plant should last you many years.

The amaryllis has bloomed. How do you take care of it now, and will it bloom in subsequent years?!?
nice flower ha, wait till flower has died back,the plant will rest an then cut back ,leave 3 inches ,if in ground, it will flower again an again an will have babies they reproduce,water an care for it as normal,when resting water less u can tell by its appearance have fun!
Reply:Put it away pot and all until around Christmas I live in Oklahoma and after blooming when it gets warm weather i plant mine in my flower beds about 5 to 6 inches deep and they bloom year after year I did mine inside like the directions suggested and i didnt get many to bloom but have had wonderful results growing them out doors
Reply:Here's how to take care of your Amaryllis so it will bloom again...from the Martha Blog:

After the amaryllis has finished blooming, cut the flower stalk to 1 to 2 inches above the bulb. Place the remaining plant with its blade-like leaves in a warm location with bright, filtered light. Water regularly and feed with water-soluable fertilizer every 2 weeks. When it’s warm enough, you can set the plant outside, out of direct sunlight, and continue to water and feed it. In September, enforce a dormant period by setting the plant in a dark closet, withholding water for 8 weeks. Then, bring the plant out, cut off its wilted foliage, top off with fresh potting soil, water thoroughly, and place the plant in a warm sunny spot. Don’t water again until a new flower stalk emerges. Then, resume the watering and feeding cycle and enjoy your beautiful amaryllis blooms.

Good Luck! Hope this is helpful.
Reply:Assuming the bulb is planted in the soil...yes, it will bloom the subsequent years just make sure you cut the flower stalk after blooming period is over.
Reply:I have had plants for up to 20+ years doing the following plant the bulb in a pot that is 2" larger than the dim. of the bulb leaving 1/2 the bulb exposed. after the flowers have faded and fell off cut the stalk to with in 2"of the top of the bulb, water normally till spring heal the pot in a garden spot and water till fall about the 1st of sept. or there about bring the pot in side and stop watering, lay the pot on its side and wait for the leaves to die when this has happened remove bulb from pot shake of the dirt from the roots put in a box and cover with dry spagum moss and put in a cool dry spot about 6 weeks before you want the plant to re bloom re pot IN a one size larger pot with fresh planting mix water once and wait for the first green to show then water as needed you bulb will grow in size each year I had one that went from a 4' pot to a 24'pot in 20 years blooming every Christmas Good luck.

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